Disability Inclusion Was NOT at the Promenade du Norde

The Kick Off of Gymnastics City USA on Promenade du Nord –“Parisian Street Fair” – the ultimate unique shopping experience with a collection of vendors and artists curated by Michael Berthiaume left out a huge population of people with physical disabilities! There is no excuse! The ADA has been around for 34 years! Very disappointed that in the year of 2024 organizers of events like this still cannot get it right!


Rideshare Debate – Disability Inclusion

We need to move forward and create a transportation mode that is fully accessible to everybody. It can be done, but we need everyone, including legislators, to direct the funding toward creating a fully inclusive equitable model of transportation for all.


Disability Viewpoints – Inclusion Mobility Museum

An exciting mobile disability project is traveling around the state, addressing the issues of inclusion for people with developmental disabilities. It’s a powerful exhibit showcasing hundreds photograph from early 1900s to the present Of the long, winding road many people with developmental disabilities, had to travel from institutional settings to know being able to live working in a play in the community of their choice.


Disability Viewpoints – Minneapolis Community Specialist

More cities need to be investing in positions like this one in Minneapolis. There is great value in focusing on a position like this since you’re much more able to meet the needs of that population. 
Host Joan Willshire talks with new City of Minneapolis Community Specialist Guthrie Bayard, who will be the city’s first specialist for issues of disability.


Disability Viewpoints: One MN Survey

In January 2019 Governor Tim Walz signed an executive order, creating the One Minnesota Council on Inclusion and Equity. A multi-phased Intersectionality study was conducted and focused on the Intersectionality of race and equity, in communities. It included developmental disabilities that lead to social discrimination and disparities across delivery systems and program areas.


Metropolitan Center for Independent Living Welcomes Mai Thor and Joan Willshire to its Board of Directors

The Metropolitan Center for Independent Living (MCIL) is pleased to announce two new
members have been appointed to its Board of Directors. They will join current board members,
providing strategic guidance, valued perspective, and expertise in oversight of the non-profit
organization. Guided by its mission of Removing Barriers, Promoting Choices, MCIL has assisted
people with disabilities in living their most independent lives for more than 40 years. Serving the
seven-county metro area through a wide range of services, programs, resources, partnerships, and
advocacy, MCIL is among the largest Centers for Independent Living in Minnesota.


Medicare and the Donut Hole – My Medicare Experience

Three months ago I started on Medicare, and what a nightmare it has been! The first month I was having difficulty getting Medicare set up. Now the second and third months my challenges have been about pharmacy and medication issues; they don’t want to pay for specialty drugs at all! And somehow I’m already in the donut hole even though I just started July 1st. I thought I would miss that donut hole because I wasn’t starting at the beginning of the year but now here I am stuck in the donut hole!


Partners in Policymaking Graduates Interview

37 years ago, the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities in the Department of Administration created a groundbreaking advocacy and leadership training program to give people with disabilities and their families the resources and skills to communicate effectively with their elected officials.


Elevator Out of Order

The situation Senator Duckworth experienced, with a nonfunctioning elevator at the movie theater is unfortunate but common. And of course, this situation was especially disappointing because the Senator’s daughters wanted to see the movie with her. It was supposed to be a family outing that couldn’t happen because of the elevator.